GSK Anoro Ellipta - CRM - Integrated Campaigns

You may have seen some of the television commercials or social posts about Anoro Ellipta. The next two campaigns are examples of recontact and list acquisition projects. Recontact targets lapsed users while list acquisition seeks to fill the funnel.



Target: Lapsed Users / Patients who did not fill a prescription.

Insight: Sometimes a gentle reminder is all they need.

Concept: Go Your Own Way

Challenge: Asthma can be a tricky chronic disease. Maintenance therapies are often discarded once patients are able to breathe easier.

Solution: Remind patients that maintenance therapies like Anoro Ellipta are designed to help keep symptoms under control. In this ‘Go With Anoro’ campaign, we remind patients of this and offer them an information kit that includes valuable tools for patients to help learn more about their chronic illness.

List Acquisition

Target: Prospects / Patients who have been prescribed Anoro

Insight: Sometimes getting started on a new maintenance therapy takes some convincing.

Concept: Go Your Own Way

Challenge: Patients are often skeptical about maintenance therapies. There are also other barriers to action such as the cost of medication, skepticism around efficacy - sometimes, life gets in the way.

Solution: Provide patients with a valuable information kit that includes tools and savings exclusively for new patients. Also, the kit is packed with information about asthma and the importance of sticking with a maintenance therapy for better control over asthma.


Pearl Morissette

