Novus Health - B2B, B2B2C - Healthcare Management

The Novus Health website offers HR and other business leaders innovative health and wellness solutions for their employees. This website is designed with tools such as a member portal and call centre where managers and employees can access information about health and wellness options available to them.


Novus Health empowers HR managers and employees to easily navigate a complex healthcare system.

Target: HR + Business Owners

Insight: Navigating the Canadian healthcare system is complex.

Challenge: Create a turn-key, always-on solution that HR and other business managers can use to simplify health and wellness options for employees.

Concept: Novus Health

Solution: Novus Health offers a health navigation platform, integrated health risk assessment tool, drug and disease management tools and so much more for employers that can in turn offer these always-on, turn-key solutions to their employees.


Normal Brand


Pearl Morissette